1.0 2 Reseñas
Nombre de la empresa
Pichincha 400 y Luque Edif Bco Park, Loc 7 y 8, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Número de teléfono
(593 4) 2534120
Actividades de negocio
Descripción de la empresa
AMERICANTUR está localizado en Guayaquil, Ecuador. La Compañía está trabajando en Agentes de Viaje actividades de negocios.


2 Reseñas
Escribe opinion
Esta agencia no ha cumplido con lo ofrecido
Sra Carla Garibaldi gerente de venta de Agencia Americantour Gye Ecuador de la cara y cumpla con sus cltes. Nunca es tarde para corregir sus malas acciones
Worst vacation experience thanks to Americantur.
The owner, Mariela Garibaldi, made a mistake with my flight tickets that affected my hotel reservation to the point that I had to pay to the hotel for no show days. First, she said she would reimburse me the money. Then, she had my family going back and forth for two weeks and the only thing we got from her were her attitude and argument about that she actually lost more money with my reservations.

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